
Mediainfo lite 0.7.72
Mediainfo lite 0.7.72

mediainfo lite 0.7.72

Vapoursynth: letterbox + telecine handling.Filtering: wrong letterbox values on reload of source.Extraction: use more quotes when using mplayer for extraction on MacOS and Linux.Input: Input dvd title minimum length was active even then the option was disabled.Analysis/Muxing: handling mkv supporting that a single attachment can have multiple ids.Vapoursynth: handling Vapoursynth input scripts in case they are not further processed.Vapoursynth: reset filters + removed use Deinterlace checkbox.Video: aoemenc:,2pass fails when custom addition was used.Video: some models didn't load the saved defaults.add chapters to non-mp4 files when muxing with ffmpeg.Vapoursynth: some popups when HINet isn't present.NVEncC: -vpp-colorspace lut3d="." support.Avisynth: use avsInfo/avsInfo64 selection depending on whether Avisynth 32bit or 64bit selection.Avisynth: support Histogram "RGBLevels", "CMYLevels", "RGBParade".Vapoursynth: option to limit Libav threads in VapoursynthTab.Vapoursynth: parameterized GLSL: adaptive-sharpen, LumaSharpen, ThinLine, A4K Darken.Vapoursynth: FillDrops, CCD, parameterized GLSResizer.Vapoursynth: support filter masking (max and edge mask).Vapoursynth: use KNLMeansCL-Wrapper from havsfunc for speedUp on YUV content when all channels are filtered.Vapoursynth: changed default behaviour regarding loading libraries and added vsLoadLibrariesOnNonWindows to misc.ini on non-Windows OSs.Vapoursynth: '# require colorformat XXX' for custom sections.Vapoursynth: KillerSpots and RemoveDirt disabled since RemoveDirt is broken for Vapoursynth.FFMpeg: explicitly call YUV->RGB conversion with matrix on PNG creation and PNG encoder call.GUI: fullscreen, font size adjustment.FFMpeg now using matrix instead of out_color_matrix.

mediainfo lite 0.7.72

Vapoursynth: moved aaf and TemporalDegrain to 'rescued.py'.Avisynth Script input: force FFmpeg autoCrop detection.Avisynth: Updated TemporalDegrain2 to 2.4.2.FFMpeg: added -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb for H.264.Vapoursynth: allow to set ColorMatrix flag when using timeCube.Vapoursynth: adds mod4 for vsMCTemporalDenoise&avsTTempSmooth.Vapoursynth: fixed vsRIFE missing miscfilters import when sceneChangeDetection was used.Vapoursynth: vsSMDegrain NNedi3 subpixel selection.Vapoursynth: missing AviSource library loading.Vapoursynth: missing PlaceboDebandThreshold.Vapoursynth: fallback downsizer selection.Avisynth: YUY2 needs to converted to YV16 for output.Avisynth: profile: all Misc settings should now be saved in the Avisynth-profile.Preview: do not use MPlayer for Preview when Avisynth 64bit is used.Vapoursynth: split view 'diff' for RGB content.aomenc: noise settings for 2pass constrained quality.Input: make sure fps&frame count in encoders get updated on loading a source.Analysis: FFmpeg color matrix detection.GUI: save icon/text selection in GlobalDataModel.Vapoursynth: script creation during script creation.Known bugs, which are fixed, but not released in a public version are listed here.

Mediainfo lite 0.7.72